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Version: 1.x


Mantle provides a fluent API for various caching back-ends. Out of the box, Mantle will use the WordPress object cache. It additionally supports Redis and Array cache back-ends out of the box. Caching configuration is located in the config/cache.php file.

Cache Usage

The cache cache instance can be retrieved using the Mantle\Facade\Cache facade, or by type-hinting the Mantle\Contracts\Cache\Factory contract for your class' dependencies.

Retrieving Data from the Cache

The get method can be used to retrieve data from the cache. It supports a second argument to respond with a default value. Otherwise, it will return null if the cache key doesn't exist.

$value = Cache::get( 'key' );
$another = Cache::get( 'my-key', '123' );

Checking for Item Existence

The has method can be used to check for a cache key's existence.

if ( Cache::has( 'key' ) ) {
// ...

Incrementing / Decrementing Values

The increment and decrement methods may be used to adjust the value of integer items in the cache. Both of these methods accept an optional second argument indicating the amount by which to increment or decrement the item's value:

Cache::increment( 'key' );
Cache::increment( 'key', $amount );
Cache::decrement( 'key' );
Cache::decrement( 'key', $amount );

Storing Data in the Cache

The put method can be used to store data in the cache. By default it will be stored indefinitely unless $seconds is passed to specify the cache duration.

Cache::put( 'key', 'value', $seconds );

The remember method can be used to store data in the cache and pass a closure to set a default value if the cache item does not exist.

Cache::remember( 'key', $seconds, function() {
return 'the expensive function';
} );

Accessing Additional Cache Stores

Your application can access additional cache stores outside of the default cache store by calling the store() method. A common use case would be to store cached data in the WordPress object cache but shared data in a separate Redis cache.

$value = Cache::store( 'redis' )->get( 'key' );


The cache API includes a cache() helper which can be used to store and retrieve data via the cache. When the cache function is called with a single string argument it will return the value of the given cache key.

$value = cache( 'key-to-get' );

If you provide an array of key / value pairs and an expiration time to the function, it will store values in the cache for the specified duration:

cache( ['key' => 'value' ], $seconds );

When the cache function is called without any arguments, it returns an instance of the Mantle\Contracts\Cache\Factory implementation, allowing you to call other caching methods:

cache()->remember( 'posts', $seconds, function() {
return Posts::popular()->get();
} );

Cache Tags

Cache providers can support adding tags to a cache key to allow for simpler cache keys.

Cache::tags( [ 'users' ] )->get( $user_id );
Cache::tags( 'posts' )->get( $post_id );

The tags method will return a cache factory allowing you the ability to store child cache keys in the same interface as the cache API.

Cache::tags( [ 'users' ] )->put( 'hello', $world, $seconds );
Cache::tags( [ 'users' ] )->remember( 'name', $seconds, function() {
return 'smith';
} );


WordPress Object Cache

The WordPress Object Cache driver can be selected by using the wordpress driver in your configuration file. The object cache must be setup separately through the object-cache.php file ((documentation here)[]).


Before using a Redis cache with Mantle, you will need to either install the PhpRedis PHP extension via PECL or install the predis/predis package (~1.0) via Composer.

The Redis cluster configuration can be specified in the config/cache.php file.

'stores' => [
'redis' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'host' => '',
'scheme' => 'tcp',