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Version: 1.x



Mantle provides a configuration interface to allow easy control over the application and how it differs on each environment. The application ships with a few configuration files in the config/ folder.

Getting Configuration

Configuration is possible through the config() helper function, the Config alias, and Mantle\Facade\Config facade. Each method supports a "dot" syntax which includes the name of the file and the option you wish to access.

config( 'app.providers' );

Config::get( 'app.providers' );

Mantle\Facade\Config::get( 'app.providers' );

Environment Configuration

It is often helpful to have different configuration values based on the environment where the application is running. For example, you may wish to use a different cache driver locally than you do on your production server.

To make this a simple, Mantle utilizes the DotEnv PHP library. In a fresh Mantle installation, the root directory of your application will contain a .env.example file that defines many common environment variables. This file should be copied to .env for use.

Deploying your site to a server?

See Environment File Location for where the .env should be placed.

Mantle's default .env file contains some common configuration values that may differ based on whether your application is running locally or on a production web server. These values are then retrieved from various Mantle configuration files within the config directory using Mantle's environment() function.

If you are developing with a team, you may wish to continue including a .env.example file with your application. By putting placeholder values in the example configuration file, other developers on your team can clearly see which environment variables are needed to run your application.


Any variable in your .env file can be overridden by external environment variables such as server-level or system-level environment variables.

Environment File Location

For most WordPress installations, all files static files will be exposed to the web server and accessible by the end user. Placing a .env file in your plugin's folder is not secure since that file can be accessed by anybody on the internet with a unique interest in your site.

Mantle supports placing the .env file in more secure locations in your WordPress application. For WordPress VIP users, the .env file can be placed inside your private directory (/wp-content/private). Mantle will also check in the wp-content/private and WPCOM_VIP_PRIVATE_DIR folder for .env files.

For WordPress VIP Users, Mantle will also read the Environmental Variables set by the platform.

Environment File Security

Your .env file should not be committed to your application's source control, since each developer / server using your application could require a different environment configuration. Furthermore, this would be a security risk in the event an intruder gains access to your source control repository, since any sensitive credentials would get exposed. See Environment File Location for more information.

Environment Variable Types

All variables in your .env files are typically parsed as strings, so some reserved values have been created to allow you to return a wider range of types from the env() function:

.env Valueenvironment() Value
true(bool) true
(true)(bool) true
false(bool) false
(false)(bool) false
empty(string) ''
(empty)(string) ''
null(null) null
(null)(null) null

If you need to define an environment variable with a value that contains spaces, you may do so by enclosing the value in double quotes:

APP_NAME="My Application"

Retrieving Environment Configuration

All of the variables listed in this file will be loaded into the $_ENV PHP super-global when your application receives a request. However, you may use the env helper to retrieve values from these variables in your configuration files. In fact, if you review the Mantle configuration files, you will notice many of the options are already using this helper:

'debug' => environment( 'APP_DEBUG', defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG ),

The second value passed to the env function is the "default value". This value will be returned if no environment variable exists for the given key.

File-based Environment-specific Configuration

For situations when environment variables aren't supported, environment-specific configuration is possible by including a configuration file in a child folder named after the respective environment to apply the configuration for.


.env-based configuration is preferred for simplicity versus file-based PHP files.

The following is an example of a configuration value that is only loaded on the local environment.

├── config
│   ├── app.php
│   ├── local
│   │   └── app.php
// Located in config/local/app.php.
return [
'providers' => App\Providers\Local_Service_Provider::class,