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Version: 1.x

Database Factory


Models can use factories to automatically generate data for your application. They're incredibly useful to get 'real' data in place without the bloat of a database dump.

Out of the box, a model does not need a factory defined. It will fallback to the core factory for the respective model type. For example, a post model will fallback to the Mantle default post factory. However, if you want to define a factory for a model, you can do so. See Defining Custom Factory for a Model for more information.

Creating Models Using Factories

You can use the factory() method on a model to retrieve the factory for the respective model and start creating models.

use App\Models\Post;

Post::factory()->create(); // int

Factories can also be used statically within a Mantle Teskit test case:

use Mantle\Testkit\Test_Case as Testkit;

class ExampleTest extends Testkit {
public function test_factory() {
$post = static::factory()->post->create_and_get(); // WP_Post.

$term_id = static::factory()->tag->create(); // int

// ...

Create a Single Instance

Create a model from the factory definition and optionally override it with your own arguments with create(). Returns the ID of the created model.

use App\Models\Post;

Post::factory()->create(); // int

'post_title' => 'My Custom Title',

Create Multiple Instances

Create multiple models from the factory definition and optionally override it with your own arguments using the count() or create_many() methods. It will return an array of IDs of the created models.

use App\Models\Post;

Post::factory()->count( 3 )->create(); // int[]

Post::factory()->count( 3 )->create( [
'post_title' => 'My Custom Title',
] );

$instance = Post::factory()->count( 3 )->create_and_get(); // App\Models\Post[]

Create and Get a Model Instance

Create a model from the factory definition and optionally override it with your own arguments using create_and_get(). It will return the created model/core object or an array of created models if chained with count():

use App\Models\Post;

Post::factory()->create_and_get(); // \App\Models\Post

'post_title' => 'My Custom Title',
The return value of create_and_get() depends on how the factory is used

create_and_get() will return either the model instance or the underlying "core object" (WP_Post/WP_User/WP_Term/etc.) depending on the configuration of the factory. When a factory is used via the Model::factory() method, create_and_get() will return the model instance. When a factory is used via the static::factory()->post method in unit tests, create_and_get() will return the underlying "core object" (WP_Post/WP_User/WP_Term/etc.).

Defining Custom Factory for a Model

Out of the box, any model that does not have a factory defined will fallback to the core factory for the respective model type.

Model TypeCore Factory

These factories provide a basic definition for the model. If you want to define a custom factory for a model, you can do so by creating a custom factory for your model.

Generating a Factory

You can create a factory by adding a new file in the database/factory folder. The expected factory name is:


This can be generated using the make:factory command:

bin/mantle make:factory {name} {--model_type=} {--object_name=}

Using Custom Model Factory

Once a factory is generated, you can modify the definition() method of the factory to define the data that should be generated. The definition() method should return an array of data that will be used to create the model.

namespace App\Database\Factory;

use App\Models\Example_Post_Model;

* Example Post Model Factory
* @extends \Mantle\Database\Factory\Post_Factory<\App\Models\Example_Post_Model>
class Example_Post_Model_Factory extends \Mantle\Database\Factory\Post_Factory {
* Model to use when creating objects.
* @var class-string
protected string $model = Example_Post_Model::class;

* Define the model's default state.
* @return array
public function definition(): array {
return [
'post_title' => $this->faker->sentence,
'post_content' => $this->faker->paragraph,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'post',

Generating Blocks in Factories

All factories have an instance of Faker available to them on the $this->faker property. This can be used to generate blocks using the block() method. You can optionally include attributes and content.

'The Content',
'exampleAttr' => true,
'another' => false,

Which would produce this:

<!-- wp:namespace/block {"exampleAttr":true,"another":false} -->
The Content
<!-- /wp:namespace/block -->

Faker also supports generating paragraph blocks using the paragraph_block()/paragraph_blocks() methods.

$this->faker->paragraph_block( int $sentences = 3 ): string
$this->faker->paragraph_blocks( int $count = 3, bool $as_text = true ): string|array

Factory States

You can define states for a factory by defining a method on the factory and use the state() method to define the state. The state() method accepts an array of data to use when creating the model.

use Mantle\Database\Factory\Post_Factory;

public function my_custom_state(): Post_Factory {
return $this->state(
'post_title' => 'My Custom Title',

You can then use the state when creating a model:

$example_post = Example_Post_Model::factory()->my_custom_state()->create();

Generating Content

See Creating Models Using Factories for more information about the create()/create_many()/create_and_get() methods.

use App\Models\Post;
use App\Models\Category;

$post_id = Post::factory()
->with_meta( [ 'key' => 'value' ] )

$term_id = Category::factory()->tag
->with_meta( [ 'key' => 'value' ] )

// ...

Generating Posts/Terms with Meta

Posts and terms can be generated with meta by calling the with_meta method on the factory:

use App\Models\Post;
use App\Models\Category;

$post_id = Post::factory()
->with_meta( [ 'key' => 'value' ] )

$term_id = Category::factory()->tag
->with_meta( [ 'key' => 'value' ] )

// ...

Generating Posts with Terms

Posts can be generated with terms by calling the with_terms() method on the factory:

use App\Models\Post;
use App\Models\Tag;

$tag_id = Tag::factory()->create();

$post_id = Post::factory()->with_terms(
// Pass in taxonomy => slug pairs
'category' => [

// Pass in a single taxonomy => slug pair.
'post_tag' => 'single-tag',

// Pass in term ID(s).

// Or pass in term objects.

// ...

Generating Terms with Posts

Terms can be generated with posts by calling the with_posts() method on the term factory:

use App\Models\Post;
use App\Models\Tag;

$post_id = Post::factory()->create();

$term_id = Tag::factory()->with_posts(
// Pass in post ID(s).

// Or pass in post objects.

// ...

Generating Post with Thumbnail

Posts can be generated with a thumbnail by calling the with_thumbnail method on the post factory:

use App\Models\Post;


The underlying post will have an attachment set as the thumbnail (via the _thumbnail_id post meta). The attachment will not have a real image file attached to it for performance. If you'd like a real underlying image file, you can use the with_real_thumbnail() method:

use App\Models\Post;


See Generating an Attachment with a Real Image File for more information.

Generating Posts with a Custom Post Type

Posts can be generated with a custom post type by calling the with_post_type() method on the factory:

use Mantle\Testkit\Test_Case as Testkit_Test_Case;

class Test_Case extends Testkit_Test_Case {

public function test_factory() {
$post_id = static::factory()->post->with_post_type( 'custom_post_type' )->create();

Generating an Ordered Set of Posts

Mantle includes a helper to create an ordered set of posts that are evenly spaced out. This can be useful when trying to populate a page with a set of posts and want to verify the order of the posts on the page.

use App\Models\Post;

$post_ids = Post::factory()->create_ordered_set( 10 );

The above post IDs are evenly spaced an hour apart starting from a month ago. The start date and the separation can also be adjusted:

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Mantle\Testkit\Test_Case as Testkit_Test_Case;

class Test_Case extends Testkit_Test_Case {

public function test_create_ordered_set() {
$post_ids = static::factory()->post->create_ordered_set(
// Start creating the post a year ago.
// Spread them out by a day.

Generating an Attachment with a Real Image File

By default, all attachments generated by the factory won't have a "real" file included with it for performance. You can opt to create an attachment with a real image file by calling the with_image() method on the attachment factory:

use App\Models\Attachment;


You can also pass a local file to use as the image:

use App\Models\Attachment;

__DIR__ . '/image.jpg'

Factory Middleware

Mantle includes a middleware system that allows you to hook into the factory process and modify the data before it's saved to the database. This can be useful if you want to modify the data before it's saved or if you want to perform some action after the data is saved. The factory itself uses middleware to assign terms to posts after they're saved, set meta, and more.

Middleware can be added to the factory by calling the with_middleware() method:

use Mantle\Testkit\Test_Case as Testkit_Test_Case;

class Test_Case extends Testkit_Test_Case {

protected $custom_factory;

protected function setUp(): void {

$this->custom_factory = static::factory()->post->with_middleware(
function ( array $args, \Closure $next ) {
// Modify the arguments (if needed).

// Call the next middleware
$result = $next( $args );

// Modify the result (if needed).

return $result;