File System
Mantle includes the Flysystem
package to power an abstract interface to various local and remote filesystems.
Files can exist local on the disk (inside the normal wp-content/uploads
folder), on a FTP server, or in a S3 bucket. The API remains the same for all
drivers, allowing a fluent interface to storing a file in a remote bucket with
only a few lines of configuration.
The configuration for the filesystem lives in config/filesystem.php
. This file
will contain the "disks" that you can access as well as the "disk's" driver. For
example, a application can have multiple S3 disks that all use the 's3' driver.
The disk can reference a different bucket set of configuration for the same driver.
You may configure as many disks as you like, and may even have multiple disks that use the same driver.
Local Storage
By default, the application will use the local storage disk/driver. This will store files in WordPress' upload directory. Storage of files here will always be assumed to be public.
Storage::put( 'file.txt', 'Contents' );
Storage::drive( 'local' )->put( 'file.txt', 'Contents' );
Remote Storage
The filesystem can store files with any adapter that Flysystem supports. Out of the box, Mantle supports the FTP and S3 adapter.
Composer Dependency
Before using the SFTP or S3 drivers, you will need to install the appropriate package via Composer:
league/flysystem-sftp ~1.0
- Amazon S3:
league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 ~1.0
The S3/FTP configuration is located int he config/filesystem.php
file. To use
the S3/FTP disk you need to fill in your own S3/FTP configuration and
To enable caching for a given disk, you may add a cache directive to the disk's configuration options. The cache option should be an array of caching options containing the disk name, the expire time in seconds, and the cache prefix:
's3' => [
'driver' => 's3',
// Other Disk Options...
'cache' => [
'store' => 'memcached',
'expire' => 600,
'prefix' => 'cache-prefix',
Obtaining Disk Instances
The Storage
facade may be used to interact with any of your configured disks.
For example, you may use the put method on the facade to store an avatar on the
default disk. If you call methods on the Storage facade without first calling
the disk method, the method call will automatically be passed to the default
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
Storage::put( 'avatars/1', $file_contents );
If your application interacts with multiple disks, you may use the disk method
on the Storage
facade to work with files on a particular disk:
Storage::drive( 's3' )->put( 'avatars/1', $file_contents );
Storing Files
Files can be stored using the put()
method by passing either file contents or
a file stream.
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
Storage::put( 'avatars/1', $file_contents );
You can upload a local file with the put_file()
method. Use the put_file_as
to specify a name.
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
Storage::put_file( '/path/to/store', '/var/local.jpg' );
File Uploads
Files can be uploaded directly from HTTP requests to any storage disk.
namespace App\Http\Controller;
use Mantle\Http\Controller;
use Mantle\Http\Request;
class Photo_Controller extends Controller {
public function __invoke( Request $request ) {
$path = $request->file( 'avatar' )->store( 'disk-name' );
return $path;
You can also use the Storage
facade directly.
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
Storage::put_file( 'avatars', $request->file( 'avatar' ) );
File Visibility
By default files will assume to be stored publicly. All local files will be stored publicly out of the box, too. You can use a remote disk such as S3 to store a file privately.
To add a private local disk, add a disk and specify a path to a private folder.
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
Storage::put( 'file.jpg', $contents, 'public' );
You can store a private file by changing the third argument.
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
Storage::disk( 's3' )->put( 'file.jpg', $contents, 'private' );
Storage::disk( 's3' )->put( 'file.jpg', $contents, [ 'visibility' => 'private' ] );
Retrieving Files
Files can be retrieved using the Storage
use Mantle\Facade\Storage;
$path = Storage::url( '/path/to/file.jpg' );
Retrieving Private Files
Private files commonly need to use a temporary URL to retrieve the file. For a private file on S3, Mantle can generate a temporary S3 URL.
$url = Storage::disk( 's3' )->temporary_url( '/path/to/file.jpg' );