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Version: 1.x

Snapshot Testing

Mantle's testing framework includes Spatie's PHPUnit Snapshot Testing package for easy snapshot testing in your unit tests. It is a wonderful way to test without writing actual test cases, comparing the outcome of functions/methods to a snapshot of the expected output.

use Mantle\Testkit\Test_Case;

class Example_Test extends Test_Case {
public function test_it_can_do_something() {
// Perform some action that should result in a specific output.
$output = do_something();

// Assert that the output matches the snapshot.
$this->assertMatchesSnapshot( $output );

After running the test, you will see a new snapshot file in the __snapshots__ relative to the current test that will store the output of the test. If the output of the test changes, the test will fail and you will be able to review the changes and decide whether to accept them or not.

If you need to update the stored snapshot, you can either delete the __snapshots__ directory relative to your test or you can pass -d --update-snapshots to the test runner.

For more information about snapshot testing, see the Spatie's PHPUnit Snapshot Package Documentation.

Testing Requests

HTTP request tests can use snapshot testing to test the response of a remote request. This is useful for testing the response of a an REST API endpoint OR a page on the site. Snapshot testing can help you test against the entire response of a page rather than checking for specific parts of it.

For example, if you had a login page, you could test the entire page response to ensure that the login form is present, the page title is correct, and the page is not returning an error.

use Mantle\Testkit\Test_Case;

class Example_Test extends Test_Case {
public function test_it_can_do_something() {
$this->get( '/login' )->assertMatchesSnapshot();

assertMatchesSnapshot() / assertMatchesSnapshotContent()

Assert that the given content matches the snapshot. Only compares the content to a stored snapshot.

Note: If you are testing against a JSON response, the method will automatically use assertMatchesSnapshotJson() to compare the response.

$this->get( '/' )->assertMatchesSnapshot();


Assert that a response matches the snapshot. Expects the content to be valid HTML. Internally the package will be loaded into a DOMDocument and the HTML will be formatted before it is compared to the snapshot. See the HTML Driver for more information.

$this->get( '/' )->assertMatchesSnapshotHtml();


Assert that a response matches the snapshot. Expects the content to be valid JSON. Internally the package will be JSON decoded and encoded again for storage.

$this->get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' )->assertMatchesSnapshotJson();

assertMatchesSnapshotJson() also accepts a second parameter to specify the JSON paths that can be included in the snapshot. This is useful if you want to test the response of an API endpoint but don't want to test the entire response. This supports * wildcards.

$this->get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' )->assertMatchesSnapshotJson(

$this->get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' )->assertMatchesSnapshotJson( [
] );

$this->get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' )->assertMatchesSnapshotJson( [
] );


Assert that the status code and headers match the snapshot. This is useful if you want to test the response of an endpoint but don't want to test the response's content.

Use with caution!

This is useful for testing the response of an endpoint but it is not recommended for practice testing because headers often contain dynamic information such as the date and time. If you want to test the response of an endpoint, it is recommended to use assertMatchesSnapshot() method.

$this->get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' )->assertStatusAndHeadersMatchSnapshot();


Assert that the status code, headers, and content match the snapshot. This is useful if you want to test the entire response of the endpoint (status code, headers, and content).

$this->get( '/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' )->assertMatchesSnapshotWithStatusAndHeaders();