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Version: 1.x

Cron / Queue Assertions


Cron and queue jobs can be asserted in unit tests.

Dispatching Cron

The WordPress cron can be dispatched by calling dispatch_cron() and optionally passing the action name to run.

namespace App\Tests;

class Dispatch_Cron_Test extends Test_Case {
public function test_cron() {
$this->dispatch_cron( 'example' );

// ...

Asserting Cron Actions

The assertInCronQueue() and assertNotInCronQueue() methods can be used to assert if a cron action is in the queue.

namespace App\Tests;

class Cron_Test extends Test_Case {
public function test_cron() {
$this->assertNotInCronQueue( 'example' );

wp_schedule_single_event( time(), 'example' );

$this->assertInCronQueue( 'example' );

$this->dispatch_cron( 'example' );

$this->assertNotInCronQueue( 'example' );


The Mantle Queue can be run and asserted against in unit tests.

namespace App\Tests;

use App\Jobs\Example_Job;

class Example_Queue_Test extends Test_Case {
public function test_queue() {
$job = new Example_Job( 1, 2, 3 );

// Assert if a job class with a set of arguments is not in the queue.
$this->assertJobNotQueued( Example_Job::class, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );

// Assert if a specific job is not in the queue.
$this->assertJobNotQueued( $job );

Example_Job::dispatch( 1, 2, 3 );

$this->assertJobQueued( Example_Job::class, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
$this->assertJobQueued( $job );

// Fire the queue.

$this->assertJobNotQueued( Example_Job::class, [ 1, 2, 3 ] );
$this->assertJobNotQueued( $job );