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Version: 1.x



This quick-start guide aims to provide a basic introduction to Mantle and its features. This is a great starting point if you are brand new to Mantle and even WordPress alike.



This guide assumes that you are running WordPress in a Vagrant or similar local PHP environment such as VVV.

Download the Mantle installer using Composer.

composer global require alleyinteractive/mantle-installer

Once downloaded, change your directory to a folder that is shared with your Vagrant machine. For example if ~/web is shared with /var/www on my machine, switch to ~/web. Run the installer:

mantle new my-project -i

Once that is complete you will have WordPress installed at ~/web/my-project. Open up your browser and navigate to my-project.test (or whatever web host you setup) to complete installation.

Open Your Editor

Once installation is complete you can open up your editor. Open the folder your just installed ~/web/my-project and navigate to the Mantle plugin in wp-content/plugins/my-project.

Create a Post Type Model

Scaffold a new project post type using wp-cli.

wp mantle make:model Project --model_type=post --registrable

The console command should have succeeded and told you to include the model in your configuration file. Go ahead and open up config/models.php inside of your Mantle plugin and add App\Models\project::class to the array there. It should look like this:

* Model Configuration
* @package Mantle

return [

| Application Models
| This is an array of models that should be registered for the application.
| The models can be post types, terms, etc.
'register' => [

Creating a Factory

Instead of having to open up wp-admin and create data yourself, we can use Mantle's Factories to create data for us. Open up your terminal and use the make:factory command:

wp mantle make:factory Project --model_type=post

That command will create a factory for your project in database/factories/project-factory.php. Open that file up and modify the factory's definition for the project post type to include some additional meta data.


Factories can use the Faker package to create "real" data quickly.

* Project Factory
* @package Mantle

// phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingParamComment

namespace {{ namespace }};

use Mantle\Support\Str;
use App\Models\Project;

* Project Factory
* @extends \Mantle\Database\Factory\Post_Factory<\App\Models\Project, \WP_Post, Project>
class Project_Factory extends \Mantle\Database\Factory\Post_Factory {
* Model to use when creating objects.
* @var class-string<Project>
protected string $model = Project::class;

* Define the model's default state.
* @return array<string, mixed>
public function definition(): array {
return [
'post_title' => $this->faker->sentence,
'post_content' => $this->faker->paragraph,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => '{{ object_name }}',

Seeding Some Data

By default Mantle includes a seeder in every project in the <my-project>/database/seeds/class-database-seeder.php file. Let's open that file up and include our new factory.

* Database_Seeder class file.
* @package Mantle

namespace App\Database\Seeds;

use App\Models\Project;
use Mantle\Database\Seeder;
use function Mantle\Framework\Helpers\factory;

* Application Seeder
class Database_Seeder extends Seeder {
* Run the seeder.
public function run() {
Project::factory()->create_many( 10 );

With that added, lets run the database seeder. Inside of your console you can run:

wp mantle db:seed

If you open up your WordPress admin and navigate to the Projects post type you'll now see 10 new project posts.

Creating a Route

Next, we're ready to add a route to view that new post type. Web routes are stored in routes/web.php by default. For our purposes, we'll create a new route to view the Project model and wrap it in the web middleware.

Inside of routes/web.php, create two routes: one to list projects and another to view a specific project.


The second route uses PHP type-hinting to automatically resolve the model instance with implicit model binding.

Route::get( '/projects', function() {
return response()->view( 'list', [ 'projects' => Project::all() ] );
} );

Route::get( '/project/{project}', function( Project $project ) {
return response()->view(
'title' => $project->title,
'owner' => $project->meta->project_owner,
'email' => $project->meta->project_email,
} );

Creating a View

Mantle supports using Blade templates as well as normal PHP templates in your application. Create a new view at plugins/my-project/views/single.blade.php:

<p>Project Owner: {{$owner}}</p>
<p>Project Email: {{$email}}</p>

Additionally create a normal PHP template at wp-content/plugins/my-project/views/list.php:

<?php foreach ( mantle_get_var( 'projects' ) as $project ) : ?>
<a href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/project/' . $project->id ) ); ?>">
<?php echo esc_html( $project->title ); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

You are now able to open up you browser and go to /projects on your project's website (https://my-project.test/projects for example).