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Version: 1.x


Macros allow you to add methods to classes from outside the class. This is useful when you want to add functionality to a class without modifying the class itself.

Many classes within Mantle use this trait to allow for the addition of functionality to the class from outside the class.


To use the Macroable trait, you can use the following pattern:

namespace App;

use Mantle\Support\Traits\Macroable;

class Example_Class {
use Macroable;

public function __construct(
public int $number = 1,
) {}

public function double(): static {
$this->number *= 2;

return $this;

// Your class code here.

Then you can register a macro like this:

Example_Class::macro('thirty', function() {
// Return an instance of your class with your specific customizations.
return new Example_Class( 30 );

Then you can call the macro like this:

$instance = Example_Class::thirty();

Macros can also be used to add functionality to already instantiated objects:

$instance = new Example_Class();

$instance->macro('triple', function() {
$this->number *= 3;

return $this;

Then you can call the macro like this:

$instance = new Example_Class();

// Double it with the class method.

// Call the macro.

// The number should now be 6.
echo $instance->number; // 6